May is the time of graduation ceremonies and celebrations whether that is from high school, college or graduate program. We celebrate with recent graduates on their accomplishments and moving forward in their next season of life. The Therapists at Desert Streams came up with a great list of advice for graduates:
- Remind yourself that it is OK if you don’t have your life all planned out yet.
- Don’t think that decisions you make about your future are final, allow for change and flexibility.
- Always be a student, never stop growing and learning in life, in career, in relationships, and in your spiritual growth.
- Don’t neglect good self care, even though mom is not watching, make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water, and remember to laugh.
- Know your personality type and embrace it–a great online test to take is the RHETI by the Enneagram Institute.
- Stay connected with others, seek your people, your community, make time for friends, and call home!
- If you make a mistake, don’t let that keep you from God, He is a forgiving Father, allow His grace and mercy to shape you.
- Be aware of things/situations you might be tempted with, and then make a plan on how to avoid them or deal with them if confronted.
- Get a copy of “The Graduate Survival Guide” by Anthony O’Neal and Rachel Cruze–great read!
- Dream big, be gracious and grateful because God is faithful.
- Learn how to resolve conflict with others, it is a skill you will need all your life.
- Live debt free–that brings with it peace, freedom, confidence and self control.
- Know and read our US Constitution–Hillsdale College offers a free online course you can take at your own pace free of charge to learn the foundation of our country as well as learning the rights and liberties afforded to us by this document.
- Continue to always set goals for yourself: in your career, personal life, community service and relationships-guard against becoming complacent.
We hope this list can encourage you, bless you, and challenge you. We pray God’s blessing and guidance on all graduates in our community.