When I tell someone I’m a pastoral counselor specializing in anger, love, repentance, and forgiveness, they usually get a confused, faraway look in their eyes, politely nod, and then talk about things that make sense. It’s about as interesting as talking to someone specializing in the lifecycles of Amazonian tree frogs. Someone needs to do it, but it isn’t a real-world subject for everyday conversation. I understand where they’re coming from. Anger, love, repentance, and forgiveness are big concepts.

Look at anger as an example. When someone comes to me with an anger problem, they have a basic idea about what’s wrong. They yell at their kids. They bang on their steering wheel while driving in traffic. They can’t stop arguing with their spouse. But what they see are the symptoms. That’s because anger is a multifaceted and often multilayered issue. What if you could look at anger as closely as someone who studies Amazonian tree frogs? What would you see? First, you would see that anger is an emotion that can range from mild annoyance to a complete meltdown. It is often tied to an offense but can also be unjustified when no offense has been committed. You would see that there are eight types of fear-based anger and six types of offense-based anger. You would also see that numerous neurodiversity factors can be tied to anger, such as autism and ADHD, as well as physiological factors related to brain injuries, hormonal imbalances, and medicinal side effects. I can imagine a confused, faraway look in your eyes right now! Don’t worry, I get it.

As someone who struggled with anger, I’ve seen God do amazing things to free me from those chains. And with God’s help, I’ve developed tools to identify and treat many of the sources of anger. When someone comes to me with an anger problem, I listen to their symptoms and then administer tests to help identify the source of their anger problem. If it’s something I can help with, then we develop a plan with the goal of treating it. If it turns out I can’t help, I can help them find someone who can. I know it’s weird, but I’m glad I can use what God taught me about anger to help others.

If you’re struggling with anger, contact the Desert Streams office for an appointment today.


As a Pastor, Tracy is deeply committed to preparing Christians by helping them achieve spiritual and emotional health. Drawing from personal experiences and the transformative tools that contributed to their own growth, Tracy has developed practical resources to guide others on their journey to healing and wholeness. Tracy’s mission is to equip others to live healthier, more Christ-centered lives.

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Photo by Magda Ehlers