Rev. Tracy McConnell
Pastoral Counselor
Call/Text 269-345-0909 Ext. 205
Location: Kalamazoo
Email Tracy
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- Teaching Health Anger & Conflict Habits
- Dealing with Painful Memories
- Practicing True Forgiveness & Repentance
- Identifying and Overcoming Unloving Behaviors
- Pastoral Counselor working with individuals and couples since 1996
- Moody Bible Institue, Diploma
- Moody Theological Seminary, MA Ministry
Personal statement:
As a Pastor, one of my primary goals is to prepare Christians for Christ to use by helping them become the most spiritually and emotionally healthy people they can be. I’ve taken the things God used to make me a healthier person and developed tools that I can share with others to help them become healthier too, including: Dr Gary Chapman’s Transfer of Offense Prayer and Long Term Offense List process for dealing with anger in a godly way and getting victory over painful memories, the Toxic Anger Language Quiz for identifying and overcoming the six most common unhealthy ways of expressing anger, and the Agape Questionnaire for identifying and overcoming unloving behaviors.
My wife, Sue, and I were married in 1988 and have 4 adult children. I enjoy helping people, fixing things, and treasure hunting at estate sales.